Monday, October 30, 1989
IF MONKS HAD MACS... is more a stew than a filing cabinet. A stew such as Huck Finn enjoyed: "In a barrel of odds and ends it is different; things get mixed up, and the juice kind of swaps around, and the things go better." Our barrel is the cloister of a medieval monastery, and some of the "odds and ends" in the monastery library could have been created there╤the adventure game about a monk's trek through the medieval wilderness to the library, a hypertext edition of a best seller by a cloistered monk (Thomas ç Kempis' "The Imitation of Christ"), and the journal that is linked to it. The rest of the stacks in the monastery library concern subjects as diverse as evolution and quantum physics, serious drinking and the meaning of history, and a resistance group in Nazi Germany. Still, they all share a common inspiration. The juice in which we stew is a conviction that there is a truth in our Western heritage that demands something more than time-management or information stacks.
In IF MONKS HAD MACS... nine separate stacks crisscross the world of an idea rather than a catalogue of facts and images. Computer experts talk as if information navigation were knowledge; but, if all the world's information was at our fingertips, would our thoughts be any less scattered?
IF MONKS HAD MACS... is about a time before capitalism, and a freedom beyond free enterprise. It's EveryWare. If you like it enough to keep it for yourself, give it to someone else.
IF MONKS HAD MACS..., a product of San Gabriel River Stacks, is available on 3 disks for $9 from the Berkeley Macintosh Users Group (BMUG). It requires HyperCard version 1.2.2 or later (which is included) For more information contact: